March 15, 2010

He's smiling...

We FINALLY got a picture of Coleman smiling! He started smiling a couple of weeks ago, but we could never get a good picture. Either our camera's batteries were dead or we weren't quick enough or we couldn't even find the camera (which happens quite often) but we were determined this time. So, he had just woken up from his nap, I nursed him, burped him, sat him up on the couch and started talking to him, Ryan was ready with the camera and here is the result...

...isn't he beautiful!

March 9, 2010

Weekend update

Ok, so I don't update every weekend, but I couldn't think of another title. Anyway, we had a really good time this past weekend and I got some really cute pics of the kids.

On Friday Katie and I took Ian, Maddie and Hannah to a class at the Zoo. They learned about deer and baby animals. They got to color, make a craft, pet an animal (I think a baby weasel this week) and ride the train and carousel. They were so cute! While they were in class Katie and I walked around. Jaiden and Cole pretty much slept in their strollers the entire time. I tried to get a good picture of the babies first trip to the zoo, but it didn't turn out very well. I think Katie got a better one. Anyway, it was so peaceful walking around outside, although a squirrel did run into the front wheel of the stroller and scare us (Katie screamed). I'm not even real sure how the squirrel did it because the stroller was standing still. I think it was ok although it looked a little dazed and confused as it scurried off into the woods.

Friday night David, Erin, Nolan and Thomas came to see us. Erin and Maddie wore their pink robes and played dolls. Then we put the kids to bed and watched Dan in Real Life. Definitely not the best movie I've ever seen, but not the worse. It was just nice to sit down and watch something other than a cartoon movie.

Saturday morning Ryan and David took Ian and Nolan to Home Depot for the kids workshop. The boys built rain gauges then took their "break" and ate hot dogs and chips. Ryan said that on the way home Ian was asking Nolan questions about kindergarten. I guess Nolan was tired of answering so he stopped and then Ian said "Come on Nolan, tell me, I've got to know what to tell my mom" :)

Sunday started our gospel meeting at church. We had our first service then ate afterwards. We had our second service at 1:30 with a singing inbetween. The message was really good and I'm looking forward to the rest of the week. Afterwards we went to the park to watch the guys play tennis (sorry no pictures, they didn't turn out). I did get a picture of the kids cheering on their dads and then Maddie started a round of "boo Jared". She thought she was so funny :)

March 3, 2010

Who will save the day?

Isn't it funny the questions that kids ask and the way their minds work. Here's the conversation that Ian and I had this morning...

Ian "Mom, do superheros go to heaven?"
Me "no, baby, superheros aren't real"
Ian "then who will save the day"
Me "Ian, no one needs to save the day"
Ian "But, what if a meteor hits the earth, then who will save the day"
Me "Ian, a meteor is not going to hit the earth"
Ian "But what if one does"
Me "Then maybe you could turn into a superhero and save the day"
Ian "you know I can't"

Then he walk away with a disgusted look on his face because I obviously didn't answer his questions the way he wanted. 10 minutes later...

"Mom, why are superheroes not real?"