September 17, 2009

22 weeks down, 18 to go!

I had my 22 week visit this morning at the OBGYN. It went really well. I took the kids with me because it was so early in the morning I hated to ask anyone to watch them. It was their first time to go and they were really good. I think they told every nurse in the place their age, and they thought it was cool to be so high up (5th floor),they spent about 10 minutes looking out the window by the elevators before we left. The doctor said that I look good and that everything was on track. I am borderline anemic, but that wasn't a surprise to me because I was with both Ian and Maddie. They want to wait, however, and give me 4 more weeks to try to bring my iron levels up before they put me on an iron pill. Baby mccuiston didn't cooperate very well this time. When the nurse came in to check his heartbeat she couldn't find it at first because he wouldn't hold still. Then she pressed down hard and he kicked her (the hardest kick I've felt yet) and finally she had to hold him still with her hand (very uncomfortable) to get his heartbeat, which was 148. She said that he can hear the waves that the Doppler makes and that he probably doesn't like it. I was hoping he would kick her again because she was really rough with my belly and it wouldn't look good if I kicked her :) Next month I have my glucose test and next week I start my 6th month of pregnancy. I know that once the holidays start these last months will go by quickly, so I'm really trying to write everything down and to spend some special time with Ian and Maddie before the baby comes.

September 12, 2009

Sweet Big Brother

Today I was helping Ian clean his room and we were talking about where the baby's bed was going to go and about putting the baby's clothes in his closet. I then asked him if it was ok that he was going to share his room with the baby and he put his arm around me and said "Yeah mommy, I don't care if the baby sleeps in my room. I don't even care if he slobbers on my toys, I can wash them."

September 4, 2009

Soccer season has begun...

It's time for soccer and we are excited! Ian's playing and Ryan's coaching again this year. Maddie didn't want to play, she said it was for boys, so she is content to sit with me on the sidelines and cheer. We are also the Incredibles again, which is nice because I can wear my shirt from last year (at least for part of the season). It's going to be interesting to see how much Ian has matured in the past year. Hopefully we won't see him on the field with his shirt over his head, or standing on his head, or dancing around one end of the field while all the other kids are at the other end (although all of that was pretty funny). And maybe we'll even win two games this year :) Go Incredibles!!!