September 4, 2009

Soccer season has begun...

It's time for soccer and we are excited! Ian's playing and Ryan's coaching again this year. Maddie didn't want to play, she said it was for boys, so she is content to sit with me on the sidelines and cheer. We are also the Incredibles again, which is nice because I can wear my shirt from last year (at least for part of the season). It's going to be interesting to see how much Ian has matured in the past year. Hopefully we won't see him on the field with his shirt over his head, or standing on his head, or dancing around one end of the field while all the other kids are at the other end (although all of that was pretty funny). And maybe we'll even win two games this year :) Go Incredibles!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I hope he has gotten better, but I hope he throws a little entertainment in there as well!