July 23, 2009

Finally out and about!

This past weekend was the first time I had actually gotten out of the house and gone anywhere (besides my mom's house) all summer. Maddie and I got up on Saturday and went to Katie's 6th birthday party. It was a Fancy Nancy party and it was adorable! The girls got to make hats and dress up, and then they had a tea party. Maddie looked so sweet all dressed up even though she would not smile for any pictures. (by the way, a picture is coming soon). While we were at a tea party, Ryan, Ian and Grandaddy went fishing at the pond in Eva. They
caught 8 bass and Ian reeled in 3 of those. Ryan said that some guys were down there fishing along with them and they asked Ian how many fish he had caught. He told them he caught 10 or 20, so I believe that we are raising a true fisherman - the catch always seems bigger than it really is :)

Sunday I finally went to church. It was the first time I had been back since getting sick. It was so good to see everyone and fellowship with friends. I was a little afraid, however, that they just might make me place membership again :)

On Monday I went for a checkup at the OBGYN. Everything looked good and the baby's heartbeat was strong (163 bpm). And yes, still just one heartbeat! My next checkup will be at the end of August and will include an ultrasound. Ryan and I are still trying to decide if we want to find out the sex of the baby or let it be a surprise. A part of me thinks it would be fun to not find out and then again the other part really wants to know so that bibs and burpcloths can be monogramed ahead of time. We will see which part wins out...

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