January 25, 2009

Flamingo and Friends

Well, the past couple of days have been pretty busy. Friday was Rachel's birthday, so Emily, Kim, Pam, and Katie came over to the house Thursday night and we cut out 30 pink flamingos and made a sign to put in Rachel's yard. We went over there about 11:30 and we actually got everything into the ground without bursting into laughter or making much noise, except for Pam (pavement running and slamming doors). I was really proud! Then on Friday we used Rachel's birthday as an excuse to take the kids to chuck-e-cheese. Katie brought cupcakes and everyone had a good time (especially the adults). Friday night I met Tracy, Nancy, Amber, Carol, Janice, Cathy and my mom at Stix for supper. I had never eaten there before ,so that's one more off my list. I got to try sushi for the first time, although I'm not sure that it really counts because I only tried the kind with the cooked shrimp. My mom and dad spent the night with us and Janice and Cathy came over the next morning to see our house. On saturday night we again celebrated Rachel's birthday at Macroni Grill. Ryan stayed home with the kids so I rode with Katie, who was without Josh and Hannah for the night. Ben had bought Rachel a cake from Edgars and they sang to her in Italian. And since Katie and I were without kids, we decided to continue the celebration of Rachel's birthday at Old Navy, Children's place, Pottery Barn and Target. We might have continued our shopping if Ryan hadn't called to let me know Maddie was out of diapers. And I know it might seem that Ryan got the raw end of the deal this weekend because he stayed home with the kids both nights, but I'm pretty sure he has a fishing trip already planned that he just hasn't told me about yet, so don't feel too sorry for him.


Katie said...

I had lots of fun this weekend!

Rachel said...

Thank you guys for the weekend of birthday festivities. You all are the best!